Our Work

Sofa refurbishment - 2022

Located inside Grand sahid jaya hotel, Bengawan solo is a restaurant that serves Indonesian food accompanied by traditional gamelan music. We helped the restaurant by doing a 3-day makeover of all its sofas and chairs with a midnight service.

Sofa refurbishment - 2022 - Bengawan solo restaurant - Sahid Jaya Hotel - BetaHelloilmare
Sofa refurbishment - 2022 - Bengawan solo restaurant - Sahid Jaya Hotel - BetaHelloilmare
Sofa refurbishment - 2022 - Bengawan solo restaurant - Sahid Jaya Hotel - BetaHelloilmare
Sofa refurbishment - 2022 - Bengawan solo restaurant - Sahid Jaya Hotel - BetaHelloilmare
Sofa refurbishment - 2022 - Bengawan solo restaurant - Sahid Jaya Hotel - BetaHelloilmare
Sofa refurbishment - 2022 - Bengawan solo restaurant - Sahid Jaya Hotel - BetaHelloilmare

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